BBQ Goodness

Last night was a rager..couple of  friends from japan were visiting so we threw a little bbq party at our house again. More people showed up than new years it was crazy! We had Uncle "T" making burgers, steaks and hotdogs, "R" made chili and salad, lots of beer, drinks, shots, rockband, cheesecake, haupia cake, sushi rice from "G"'s mom, and some other random foods..everything was so yummy!! It was a good time and little "Z" was having so much fun because all the uncles were playing rockband with him upstairs after the food was gone..he was up til 2am rocking out! Goodtimes
cheesecake goodness from "M" & "K":

Haupia cake:

Japan "M" eating the strangest hotdog of lettuce with chili..he also ate lettuce and mac salad in a bun!:

mini burger:


Everything looks and sounds sooo good! You know how to party. :)
Amelia said…
The cake looks delicious!
looks delicious!
amelia: my son is obsessed with the haupia cake now =) it's so yummy and light tasting
Yummy! I love the cheesecake. :P
Hope you won't mind us exchannging links?
ashley said…
im getting so hungry looking at these.
and rockband is the best!

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