Tofu Gyozas

The other day I made my tofu gyoza that my mom used to make for me when I was a kid. I haven't made it in over 6 months..I don't know why we haven't eaten it in so long. I think we were eating it every week for a while and got sick of it. I forgot how much I loved it until I made it again. I swear I ate 10 or 15 for dinner LOL.

before cooking:

After cooked:



Awww! A boy! I heard boys are much easier to "deal with" than girls. Nevertheless, I know he'll be beautiful. :]
MindlessMatterz said…
Congrats, Cassie! So exciting!

Allie said…
Congrats again! And I think you're gonna have to share that gyoza recipe (damn, I have a really hard time spelling that word.) with me!
Amanda said…
Aw congrats, Cassie :)
Elaine said…
Mmm... The gyoza look sooo good!! I would eat like 20 hahaha. And congratulations on a baby boy!!!! Your son is just ADORABLE. Love his curly hair :)
Domennie said…
bryna said…
the gyoza looks INCREDIBLE!
congrats on having a boy, both my daughter in laws are pregnant too!, one due in Jan & the other in Feb!! love the spicy tofu recipe!!
Mary said…
Ooh, congratulations! Do you have a name picked out already?
Unknown said…

I know I'll sound like an idiot, haha, but what's the difference between dumplings, dimsum & gyozas? they look really similar to each other.

i think they are all gyoza and mandoo is similar..just different countries? i sound like an idiot too.. i just know gyoza is japanese..mandoo is korean and has a thicker more chewy wrapper..and dumplings i think are chinese and potstickers are the american way of calling all of them i think LOL

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