Lovely Winter Weather!

The last few days have been really nice. Actually, the last week or two has been really nice. It's been 70 degrees during the day and chilly at night and I am a happy girl! I love it when it's not hot. We can actually go walking and not be all sticky and sweaty. I would love it if it was like this everyday but I guess that wouldn't be fun for the visitors from out of state who come to enjoy the warm sunny weather and beaches and come to find it chilly..can't have everything we want I guess..

Today was a relaxing day..we went to the mall and got some sweet bread from Panya and sat on the seats watching the birds. Had playdate with L & Y and then picked up H at school and went to the market and got things for dinner and came home...Z is really enjoying his new toy we got him. He won't put down his little ipod to go to sleep! The first day he got it, he stayed up until 3am!

jeans- j brand, shirt- F21, headband- AA


Love the way you're wearing that headband and Z's converse (?)! He's gonna be so hip...
P.S. The boots are super comfy, but they're over a year old...Urban Outfitters still might have comparable ones.
thanks R!! i sooo want those boots..maybe i'll get lucky and find a pair =) yours look so comfy and i love that they are FLAT =) is there a brand or no-label? xoxo

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