Coma Please
I have been sick for 3 weeks now...for 1 week I was sick with the wrst flu ever..then the morning sickness kicked in so severe that I was throwing up and could not even get out of bed. Doc says I have hyperemesis gravidarum or severe morning sickness and all the remedies, including meds, have not worked...its been a battle of forcing myself to drink gatorade all day and trying to eat as gross as it makes me feel s I don't throw far I haven't thrown up in over a week but the constant seasick feeling will not go away and I have been stuck at home losing it. I keep hoping that one day I will wake up and feel completely better but that day hasn't come. I would love to be in a induced coma until that day comes but that's self pity is lame and I apologize to you readers but I needed an outlet somewhere since I think poor hubby is losing it himself having to do everything in the house...I hope to get better soon so that I can get back to enjoying food and wearing clothes while they still fit me!! Xoxo