New Year, New Light
New Years has crept up so quickly. Knowing how fast the years fly by since the kids were born, I'm sure 2014 will fly by just as fast. The morning run club runs have been a blessing. As tired as 515 am can be, the outlet of release is what gets me up and the lovely chats I get to have with some really amazing women. Coming from me, that's huge. I never had girl friends most of my life. I stayed away. But in my adult life, I'm finding them not as bad as I imagined. And many of these ladies have been so inspiring it gives me a new drive and push I never had. One of them has become one I truly look up to and am so grateful.
Last week on our ten mile run, I hurt my foot and I haven't ran for 5 days now. Its killing me to be forced to rest. Rest days suck but from past experience, running through pain only made me have to rest for months instead of a week or two. So this time around, I'm listening to my body and advice from an old friend and taking it easy. I don't wAnt to be out of my half marathon in less than two week. That would be awful.
On a happy note, we took the boys to see snow and they love it. It makes me so happy to see them play and enjoy nature. It scares me when I think of how much time kids spend on iPads and games and how little they do outdoors exploring. I would love to have them be outdoor nature kids. Nothing happier then showing your kids that there is more outside than they could ever imagine. We may be miles from our paradise beaches of home, but there are so many other mountains and terrain to explore out here. Here's to a 2014 filled with "NeverStopExploring"