Ziggy and Rocket Jo Psyched at San Pedro Shred Fest

We took a break from work to take the boys to check out the San Pedro Shred Fest.  It was our first time and it was such an amazing event.  So stoked the boys started skating because it has exposed them to such a great community and culture.  They are so obsessed with skating..especially Rocket.  And the drive to try even harder is growing as they get to know more of the amazing people who are around them.

We got there early and they got to skate the street course and downhill course before it got super crowded.  They also had the most AMAZING free swag.  They got a new set of pads and helmet and won a new Duster cruiser cork skateboard.  They are so excited to skate it at the beach one night.

ziggy and rocket jo - zirocksays - street course san pedro shred fest

ziggy jo - zirocksays - duster skateboard san pedro shred fest

They did get themselves a SPSA shirt to support the community.  It was nice to see how much everyone is so passionate about saving Channel Street Skatepark and we can't wait to have the boys volunteer when it becomes available.  Andy from the SPSA was very nice and said it looks to be moving forward...crossing fingers!!!

Their most memorable part was skating with their skatepark buddy all day and meeting Daewon Song.  He signed their helmets and skateboards and gave them pointers.  What an humble and awesome skater.  Genuinely passionate and caring about the kids and the future.

ziggy and rocket jo - zirocksays - daewon song san pedro shred fest

Can't wait to go again next year!!!


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